


的 Utah Board of Higher 教育 invites nominations and applications for the position of 总统 of Snow Col- lege, one of 16 institutions within the Utah System of Higher 教育.

Founded in 1888, 雪的大学 is located in scenic central Utah and is the degree-granting 本地区的机构和技术学院. 它为来自美国的5000多名学生提供服务 遍及犹他州、36个州和42个国家. 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行在以法莲设有校区 and Richfield and a learning center in Nephi, with 33 buildings on over 140 acres. 雪的大学 is the educational, artistic, cultural, musical, and athletics center 是该地区经济发展的关键驱动力. 它被评为“最佳” Value College” and is a top option for Utah 学生 because of its combination of 学术质量高,成本低. 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行在该地区是独一无二的,因为它是由国家指导的 任务 is to be both a degree-granting 以及技术教育 institution.

Encouraged by 雪的大学’s dedication to the pursuit of knowledge, many graduates go on to earn additional degrees at universities throughout the country, while others 毕业生为各种领域的就业做好了充分准备. 学生获得 associate degrees focusing on general education and many areas of study, as well as 软件工程或音乐专业本科以上学历. 雪学院也提供许多 职业和技术教育证书和奖励. 学生喜欢小班授课 and a highly personalized learning environment with world-class, diverse faculty.

的 president is appointed by and serves at the pleasure of the Utah Board of Higher 教育 and—with oversight from the college’s Board of Trustees—is responsible for 学院的全面管理. 作为行政长官的总统有责任 a responsibility first to the System of Higher 教育 and then to the college, 哪个是系统的一部分.

理想的候选人 should demonstrate an understanding of 雪的大学 and its 任务 并愿意长期在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行学习. 理想的候选人也应该如此 have demonstrated leadership and higher education experience and show a commitment 对学术教育和技术教育的理解. 理想的候选人 will understand delivery of education in a rural setting and local communities’ desires 获得充分的学术机会. 理想的候选人还必须具备 ability to effectively communicate and build relationships with 学生, faculty, staff, donors, local and state elected officials, and industry and K-16 education 合作伙伴. 理想的候选人还将监督学院参与 K-16 alliance and will establish and fortify CTE pathways into 雪的大学’s academic 以及技术项目. 理想的候选人应该优先考虑学生 success while working with faculty and staff in shared governance to further the college’s 任务. 理想的候选人 will demonstrate a commitment to equity, diversity, and 包括所有网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的学生、教职员工. 理想的候选人 是否有募款经验. 理想的候选人也会做出承诺 to establishing a presence at 雪的大学’s two campuses and the Nephi Learning Center 加强/战略性地发展这三个实体店.

要求硕士学位,硕士学位优先. 利害关系方 are encouraged to submit a current CV and a detailed letter addressing how the candidate’s experience matches the position requirements and articulating the candidate’s vision 为了这个机构和它的使命继续前进. 应提交申请 到2023年3月10日. 请直接进行保密查询、提名和申请 材料:


欲了解更多关于雪学院的信息,请访问 qiikii.net/presidential-search. 要了解更多关于犹他州高等教育系统的信息,请访问 推.edu.

雪的大学 is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and educator. 的 College strongly encourages individuals from underrepresented groups, women, veterans, 残障人士也可以申请.


First and foremost, the president will be excited to make a long-term commitment to, 并为网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行制定一个长期愿景. 网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的校长应该这么做 also place particular emphasis on the following short-term initiatives and longer-term 战略重点:


的 president will develop a long-term vision for 雪的大学 and develop a strategic plan that includes all 雪的大学 campuses and goals that align with 雪的大学’s 任务, builds on its strengths, and meets the strategic priorities (system leadership, access, affordability, completion, and workforce alignment) of the Board of Higher 教育. 校长将指导整个学院的教职员工发展 支持战略计划的里程碑.

Understand the unique demographics of 雪的大学’s current and potential 学生

雪的大学 consists of underrepresented, transfer, low-income, non-traditional, 农村、国际和第一代学生. 总统应该明白 the unique needs and challenges of 雪的大学’s 学生 and potential 学生 并积极参与学生生活. 总统会想办法支持的 each and every student in their success, whether they are on the technical education 或学位课程.

Support 雪的大学’s dual 任务 of technical education and degree-granting

的 new president will recognize the importance of both academic 以及技术教育. 的y will work to meet the needs of transfer 学生 and to prepare all 学生 for successful futures through degrees, certificates, and short-term workforce entry 通过基于工作的学习机会.


的 president will leverage 雪的大学’s reputation to advocate for and seek support 为学院提供战略合作伙伴. 总统将发展关系 of trust with the Board of Higher 教育, the Legislature, alumni, and donors to 为网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行的需要寻求支持,包括资金.


总统将建立一种反馈文化. 总统将进行透明的沟通 有效地与教职员工、学生和所有利益相关者沟通.


的 president is expected to maintain and foster 合作伙伴hips including with local 市和县领导,以及K-16. 这种人会优先考虑建立人际关系 with industry 合作伙伴 to ensure that 雪的大学’s programs continue to develop 满足劳动力需求.


的 president will work with K-16 合作伙伴 to develop pathways for 学生 into Snow College’s academic degree 以及技术教育 programs and will work with degree-granting 合作伙伴 across the state to expand opportunities, including scholarships, for transfer 学生. 的 president will work with industry 合作伙伴 to establish pathways into 劳动力.


的 president will be innovative and adaptive in their approach to continuing Snow College’s legacy of providing quality, yet affordable instruction in both academic 以及技术教育.


的 president will oversee the growth and expansion of academic 以及技术教育 programs and certificates to meet industry demand and 学生’ desires, including 在网络棋牌游戏平台十大排行里奇菲尔德校区和尼腓学习中心.